Wednesday, September 17, 2008


for this blog is just simply to put down my thoughts as a mom. I had no idea until recent that if I blog that at the end of the year I could have it printed into some sort of book. So for me this is my journal and my scrapbook. Some things I will choose not to share of course but the joy in my life is abundant, as are the trials and I need to write it down for my family.

One more wish is for the orphans around the world which I love and we pray for every single day. I want to share our journey of adoption with others in hopes that maybe hearts will be open to loving one of these beautiful gifts.

Many often ask me about what my kids think of us adopting and the answer is simple-They will tell you themselves they love them too. Their hearts are as wide open and possibly bigger than ours. I will share more later about my kids thoughts.

1 comment:

sarah said...

Your so Fabulous!!!!