Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I am in need of your prayers

I have been brought to my knees and feel like I have been punched in the gut. For my kids and my husband I need to keep it together please pray that I can be held up.


This Mama said...

I hope everything is o.k.!
I will be thinking of you,

Perla said...

you're in my prayers, crystal. is there anything that i can do for you???

Not Betty Crocker said...

Definitely praying for you. Email me if there's anything I can do...or call and vent if you need to.

Love you!

Janet said...

Praying for you Crystal!

Anonymous said...

I don't know the circumstances, but please know I am lifting you in prayer.

Cline Family said...

Hang in there! You're a very strong gal, I know you can get through whatever it is your struggling with! Been trying to call you, just goes to the machine...call me!

Marta said...

I am praying that you will be lifted up in strength hope and love, that whatever is going on is resolved soon to it's highest and most loving good.

T and T Livesay said...

:( So sorry! Hoping the days that have passed since you posted this have brought peace and provision ...