Monday, July 20, 2009


Yes me for many many different reasons. I don't know how much I want to share or should share so I am still working through things. If I get the guts to share I will. My faith is all over the place and I hate that I feel this way. My days are filled with so many ups and downs that my kids are feeling it most days and I feel guilty for that. Everyone says "this to shall pass" I sure hope so.


Sarah said...

Crystal-- ((Hugs))) I would LOVE to talk, as I'm sure we're going through some of the same stuff. I'm just heading out the door to dance classes, but I will email you later to get your number (or email me with it :)

Hang in there and know you are not alone :)

Not Betty Crocker said...

I'm sorry! I hope whatever it is gets better soon!

Love ya!

Janet said...

I would love to hear how the adjustments are going. I hope everything gets better for you soon!

Jenn said...

Crystal, I have been struggling for the past year and it only recently has begun to improve. We are here to listen...

Steph, G's Mom said...

If it's struggling related to post-adoption issues and feelings, trust me, we've all been there. or are there. to some degree or another, all of us.

hang in there


Circe said...

My thoughts are with you. Sometimes it's OK to throw "enjoy each day" out the window and just do your best to get through each day. I hope things get better.

This Mama said...

I read this the other day and did not leave a post. I have been thinking about you since then and hoping you are alright.

Pete and Mare said...

Hang in there guys. I am thinking of you. ~Marilee

Brent and Debbie said...

Crystal - I am back from Vegas. Let's go have another "laugh out loud" day and relieve some stress. You know I love ya. deb

Laurie said...

Hugs - it isn't always easy & we do understand.
