Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Party Pack

Can hardly get me head off the pillow Crap!

Hoping tomorrow is better than today and
yesterday. I need to be coherent when my girl
comes home.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

~Where my Heart is~

I have been to Haiti many times and each time
is an experience in itself. These photos are in
no order just wanted to remember today.
Please pray for this Country it is part
of who our family is and will forever be.

~this is the guesthouse where we stay
and we have word that this part of it has

~the guesthouse, this part we have heard
collapsed~one of my favorite people in the
whole world who takes such good care of us
when we are there~ They are safe~

~At the Orphanage~

~In these streets~

~The first time we met our little girl and promised
her we would be back for her~

~as the plane door opens and you step out the
heat will take your breath away~

~Leaving is always hard~

~she did not want to go back to the "O" thinking
I was leaving her there, we were just there to
visit~Look at that face!

~I wish she could be here sleeping like this~

~My mom made this pillow with our pictures~

~painting toenails~

~this picture was snapped when I had to leave
and take her back to the "O". It was gutwrenching
it took a couple men to get her off of me. It was

Please pray and if you can give please do.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am afraid to go to sleep!

For fear of what is to come in the morning. The devastation for this country when the sun comes up is unimaginable. Haiti is a place I have come to love so very much. Heavenly Father please be with them all.

Please Pray for Haiti



So worried about everyone there and can't get ahold of anyone!!! The Orphanage is in Port au Prince and not sure if it is ok!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Merry Christmas- China babies

***Don't forget to turn my music off at the bottom***

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Made me laugh

Monday, August 31, 2009


Lots and lots of changes happening around here. Some of you have emailed me to see how we are doing Thank you so much! The quick answer to that would be "ok". I am working on an update to post soon. I can't believe it has been a month since I posted.

I suck at this kinda!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Holy crap! Turn my music off

He is fantastic and makes me smile!
Loved it!

Thank you and I'm going private

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I so very much appreciate them. As you know much has happened and I have so much I want to say. I feel best if I keep it some what safe. I have met many of you in person and some of you I have not met but feel like I know you. I am going to go private please please leave me an email if you want to and I will add you.

I have lots on my mind these days and want to keep it real.


Monday, July 20, 2009


Yes me for many many different reasons. I don't know how much I want to share or should share so I am still working through things. If I get the guts to share I will. My faith is all over the place and I hate that I feel this way. My days are filled with so many ups and downs that my kids are feeling it most days and I feel guilty for that. Everyone says "this to shall pass" I sure hope so.